Saturday, 20 September 2008

Here's That Rainy Day

Funny how love becomes a cold, rainy day....

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Here's Frankie and my very favorite rain song ---

Maybe I should have saved
Those leftover dreams
But here's that rainy day
Here's that rainy day
They told me about
And I laughed at the thought
That it might turn out this way

Where is that worn out wish
That I threw aside
After it brought my love so near
Funny how love becomes
A cold rainy day
That rainy day is here

It's funny
How love becomes
A cold rainy day
That rainy day is here

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"When It Rains, It Pours"

I have always loved songs about rain. From "Singing in the Rain" to "Let it rain, let it pour, I just don't care anymore." What is it about the rain that allows you to give in to your sadness? Perhaps it is that the very heavens seem to be crying along with you, giving you permission to feel the depths of your grief.

There is even a sort of solemn beauty about profound grief, especially when it is over lost love. Does the depth of your grief really equal the depth of your love? I don't know and I guess I really don't care.

All I know is that it rained, and you came into my life, bringing sunshine for my heart. You left, and I rained. I raged. I stormed.

Standing at the window from which I watched you leave that last day, seeing the rain drops slide down the glass while the huge tears slip silently down my cheeks, I think about how our whole time together, so brief yet so intense, was filled with rain. We met in the rain, talked endlessly in the rain, kissed in the rain, loved in the rain. We even sang rain songs together in the rain. When we parted, I cried in the rain. There was a kind of comfort in seeing the outside world mirror my feelings.

"Just walking in the rain, getting soaking wet, torturing my heart ... trying to forget." But I can't forget. Because every time it rains, I remember.

... funny, that rainy day is here.................